Important Information

Terms & Conditions of Use of our Copyright Material

Every sentence, every paragraph, every graphic, every image and every video on this website are either our copyright material or, in the case of licensed stock images, that copyright belongs to the appropriate photographic agencies.

We are exceptionally proud of our website and we jealously protect our original material not least we have spent, and continue to spend, thousands of expensive hours creating what is demonstrably one of the most popular air conditioning websites (worldwide) on the internet.

Directors of Airconco UK Ltd created all of the text on this website. No other instances of our copyright material will be found on the internet (or anywhere else for that matter) that pre-exists its creation pre-January 2017 as quick searches on Google and the internet archive site, Wayback Machine ( will confirm.

The graphic design of this website was created in part by, in our humble opinion, the best digital design agency in the UK, Fishfinger Media Ltd., a company based in the United Kingdom and 100% owned by Directors of Airconco UK Ltd. All copyright in the design and graphics are fully transferred from Fishfinger Media Ltd to Airconco UK Ltd, by documented agreement dated 13th October 2013.

In a concerted effort to prevent Airconco UK Ltd. wasting time having to regularly “police” other websites whose owners have made a conscious decision to ‘lift’ our copyright material without our authorisation, i.e. plagiarism, please take careful note of the following information:

– We both authorise and allow third-party website owners and/or their agents to use our copyright material on their websites but strictly on the proviso that such use of our content is subject to the following charges below: –


Any video – £2,950.00 per video per annum*

Any graphic – £1,950.00 per graphic*

Any copyrighted image – £1,750.00 per image*

Wording (including paraphrasing)  – £675.00 + VAT per paragraph*

All prices are excluding VAT. (Please note that in the event of litigation, giving up a right to sue in return for payment is not regarded as a “supply of goods or services” and is therefore not subject to VAT)

*The minimum and maximum use allowed is 12-months. We define the number of paragraphs as those laid out on our website In the event that only one sentence of a specific paragraph is used, our minimum fee of £675 + VAT will be charged. Our charges are per use. For example, if the same image/wording is used twice on a page (or on any other page) then you will be charged twice, not once.

Please note that we will not consider any pro-rata periods of unauthorised usage for less than twelve months, however, further use will be granted and invoiced at the same initial annual rate plus RPI (Retail Price Index).

For the avoidance of doubt, if our copyright material is used on a third-party website and taken down after, for example, one day, we will charge as though the plagiarist has contracted with us to use the material for a full 12-month period.

– If a third-party website owner ‘takes down’ our copyright material, please be mindful that our full fees are payable in any event.

– The use of our copyright material on any third-party website, whether requested or not, is considered as though the owner(s) of that third-party website has/have entered into a contract with Airconco (UK) Ltd. to use our material.

– A 25% discount from our published charges is available to website owners who have contacted us beforehand to request permission in writing (by email or recorded delivery post) and paid our fees before using our copyright material. This offer is NOT available to those website owners who have lifted our content without having secured our prior written permission.

– In accordance with the Late Payment of Commercial Debts (Interest) Act 1998, any overdue payments for the use of our copyrighted material, following the issuance of a demand for payment, will attract interest. This interest will be calculated at the statutory rate applicable under the Act and will be applied from the date the payment became overdue until the date payment is made in full. Additionally, we reserve the right to recover any reasonable costs incurred in pursuing the outstanding debt.

– When we find that a website has ‘lifted’ our copyright material without having first written to us requesting such permission, we shall, in the first instance, write to them asking them either to pay our charges or to take down the wording from that third-party website until such time that payment has been received to the following banking coordinates:

Airconco UK Ltd t/a The Air Conditioning Company,
Coutts & Co
Sort code: 18-00-02
Acc No. 00057363

– Please note that we consider any use of our copyright material as having been fully authorised by us. Our fees are payable within 14-days of our having invoiced the owners of that third-party website.

– If our terms are not agreed and complied with, we will not hesitate to seek redress in the Courts.

– This Contract will be governed by and shall be construed in accordance with the laws of England and Wales and the parties submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts of England.

Special Notice to Website Developers and Designers

Please be mindful that the website owners that you are working for will be held responsible for the publication of any use of any licensed content from our website. We strongly advise that you inform your clients of our licence fees in advance.

Useful Information to Potential Plagiarists


Should a plagiarist, or their agents, of our copyright material suggest that they had not read this Copyright Notice and thus deny that they have entered into a contract with Airconco UK Ltd., we refer them or their representatives to Airconco UK Ltd. v Luxco Contracts Ltd., 2019 (Case No: E1AA7V89 in the County Court at Clerkenwell & Shoreditch (London).
The Judge, commented upon her consideration whether the link to this Copyright Notice “…was obvious enough on the face of the website even although the link was contained in a bar at the bottom (on every page) of the website”.
The Judge was satisfied “…that anyone thinking about removing material from the website would see that bar there and that it was there to be clicked on in the same way as any terms and conditions were there to be clicked upon.”
“In those circumstances, a contract came into being when the plagiarist (or their agents) removed the content without permission.”
Further, the Judge made the following analogy:-
“In the same way as somebody driving into a car park becomes liable under a contract to pay a charge where a sign is displayed outside, confirming they will be charged for unlawful use of the car park, in circumstances where somebody sees the Claimant’s website with the Copyright Notice with its “Terms and Conditions” but nevertheless proceeds to take the information without consent, then the contract will come into being.
In short, “…the Claimant’s offer to allow third-party website owners to use their copyright material was/is open to anybody looking at their website to apply to them for permission” (with the advantage of a 25% discount for pre-payment), “but the Claimant chose not to do that but still took the material”.

Non-commercial or educational websites/blogs

If your site falls under this heading and you wish to use our videos/graphics free of charge* (not wording) please email [email protected] in the first instance with your request and we shall be pleased to consider your request favourably.